Tech: While many apps are free, there are many reports of children accidentally spending money through in-app purchases. Some tips to avoid in-app purchases.
Tablets are really popular with younger children and the market has several that are geared towards child friendly content. Only download games and apps you have checked. Sites such as Keeping children safe online | NSPCC or Common Sense Media: Age-Based Media Reviews for Families | Common Sense Media provide useful advice. You tube kids is also a good app for young children.
Mobile Phones: the following guidance may seem simple and self-explanatory, but just by following these small tips, they can offer a safer online experience for young people.
Set Boundaries – set ground rules and ensure that all parties understand them.
- Agree a time limit or number of games.
- Sleep – don’t let them take the phone to bed with them (temptation is too easy).
- Access – If you really are concerned about them, ask that they allow you access.
- Above all talk to your child. Have an open and honest dialogue with them and let them know they can talk to you and trust you!
Gaming – There are so many exciting games and consoles for children, you may well have one. Whether a Nintendo Switch, PlayStation, or one of the many others, there is something for everyone.
You will need to consider whether the games they are playing are appropriate. For more advice on this visit Have a look at this blog to give you an insight into the type of things to be aware of when it comes to gaming.
Finally, enjoy your time together. It’s the perfect time of year.