
**Massive Loss of Service – INC01207579**

Service Incident, loss of service since 13:30 20th September 2022 – INC01207579

Firstly, I must apologise for the unprecedented loss of service. I do understand the massive impact this will be having on you, your students, your staff, and the way you work with your communities. Ready access to the ‘Internet’ is deeply embedded in our everyday actions; its loss is devastating.

A massive loss of service of this intensity and duration is not something we have experienced in over 20 years. The emPSN team and our suppliers have been seeking a solution since the initial failure. It has been escalated to the highest levels in our suppliers and partners. We have had the technical teams from CISCO, Janet/JISC, your IT support providers and others seeking to resolve the issue. We have also received offers of support from other suppliers as they understand the massive impact this is having.

I can assure you we all want this resolved as soon as possible, even if we can only bring the service back slowly or in part, but I want you to receive your full service ASAP.

I will ensure we keep you informed and restore your service as soon as possible.

Mike Kendall
Managing Director

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