
Certificate Services – Change of age Limit 2020

This post impacts the Certificate service from emPSN which allows the issue of SSL/TLS certificates for use on customer equipment and services.

We have received an advisory towards a change to industry regulations that reduces the maximum validity period of SSL/TLS certificates.

As of 1 September 2020, all SSL/TLS certificate types will be limited to 1 year (from 2 years.) This change is in response to a number of factors impacting the industry and is aimed to improve security as an outcome.

Will emPSN reduce the cost of certificates?

Our pricing is highly competitive compared to the commercial market and we have never differentiated by price for different validity periods for high assurance certificates. Our costs for the service are not decreasing with our supplier for this change so we are unable to reduce our prices. emPSN’s goal is to keep the costs to a minimum and we are working hard on this for the future of the service in 2021 which we hope to announce soon.

For details of how to obtain SSL/TLS certificates from empsn please click here

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