We are seeing an increase in the number of sites on network with computers attempting to contact malware resources on the Internet. Please can we ask you to check the posture of your operating system security updates and anti-malware services to confirm you are up-to-date. If you have reason to believe you are not uptodate please review this with your local IT team or partner organisation.
Malware can be introduced through a number of surface areas where data from outside is brought into your facilities, please use caution with all attachments coming from unknown sources as they could potentially contain malicious code. If you are alerted to or suspect you currently have Malware on your computers we have a list of resources to use for malware removal including some tools for decrypting some ransomware varients. The resources are detailed on our updated knowledge article – here, we trust this is of use.
Please let us know at support@empsn.org.uk if you have any additional resources you would like to share.