Schools that currently have use RM services through emPSN, will be contacted this week about changes to their services. With effect from 1.11.17 our service package will change as RM have ceased and changed some of their product catalogue. To ensure that application services are not disrupted, emPSN have arranged for alternative services to be provided. The products we will be using are: Netsweeper Standard and emPSN DNS hosting in place of RM SafetyNet and RM DNS Hosting.
There will be no change to KCOM connectivity, it is only the RM services that will be changing.
To secure continuity of safe and secure access to the internet via emPSN, we have arranged for schools that use RM to transition to a new service, offering a modern suite of like for like services. Details on how this affects the price per school have been posted to each individual school which is affected.
At this time, schools do not need to do anything, we are just making those affected aware that changes will be taking place. Further technical information will be distributed in mid-October to support all schools affected in the transition.