
Service Updates for New School Year

As we start the new school year we look forward to the year ahead and the opportunities it brings.  We welcome those of you who are new to empsn and we look forward to working with you all in the coming year.


Over the summer we have updated our website which gives us improved ability to offer information about our services, updates, maintenance and issues so please come back regularly for information our services.


For those of you responsible for managing the technical services within your school, we would recommend checking and updating contact information for suppliers, as some of these have been updated in recent months.  Supplier contact information is outlined on our support page – https://www.empsn.org.uk/support/

Our suppliers operate a governance model which requires school contacts to be known for the purpose of making changes to your services, if you are not known to the supplier they may look to verify who you are with the head or principal before carrying out work.  Please keep this in mind.

We recommend registering with suppliers at your earliest convenience to make yourself known and to obtain access to self help service portals or just simply find out how they work.

Suppliers operate ticketing systems for the purpose of logging and progressing your changes and incidents, please make your timescales and priorities known when logging tickets.  If you require greater priority with works being done for you, please call the service provider to escalate and make this known.

On the rare occasions service providers are not able to help you or matters appear to be getting stuck, please contact empsn and we will escalate and arbitrate matters for you.  We cannot escalate requests which have not been logged with service providers so please do this first.

We have a number of answers to frequently asked questions on our FAQ page – https://www.empsn.org.uk/faqs/

If there is anything missing please don’t be shy talk to us

Call: 01604 879869

Email: empsn@empsn.org.uk

Twitter: @emPSN

Thank you

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