
Meet the Team

Michael Kendall is our Managing Director and has been with emPSN, in one role or another since 1999. For those with long-term memory, under the National Grid for Learning, there was a desire by the Government that all schools should be connected to the internet with broadband, until then for most schools it was a dial-up or ISDN modem – Remember them! At that time Michael worked for Northamptonshire County Council responsible for ICT in schools and libraries which lead the East Midland’s consortium of 9 Local Education Authorities that bid for funding; it was successful in the bid. Schools have changed in many ways since then; so has our expectation of the ‘internet’. Schools rightly expect high-speed broadband that is safe and secure, and available in their area for them and their local community.

A lot has happened since 1999, not least Michael was appointed Managing Director of emPSN in 2007. It has been an exciting and challenging journey as we have had to change as schools and their funding changed. The expectation now is that all schools should have a giga-fast fibre connection, wherever they are; that it should be reliable; that it should support the schools in meeting their safeguarding duties; it should support the school in maintaining a safe and secure network for learning and the management of learning.

Throughout the 22 years, that emPSN has provided safe and secure services to schools, under its many guises, it has remained a ‘Public Good’ business; it is not-for-profit; it spends all its revenues to make sure your service options are up to date and value for money.

On a more personal note, Michael lives in Northampton slowly moving south from Manchester where he was born and went to school. He is a proud grandparent enjoying them growing up, progressing through school and life. As many of you may know Mike continues to keep active through Triathlons and Ultrarunning.

Michael is looking forward to getting out and about again as we plan to re-introduce face-to-face meetings and coffee morning meets, as well as continuing with our online activities.

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