Many schools across the UK received an email earlier this week, which contained a bomb threat for the school. The same email, which was a malicious phishing hoax, was sent to hundreds of schools across the UK on Monday. This threat differed from previous threats in terms of its scale and intent and understandably caused some concern in school communities. Government guidance recommends that all staff know policies on bomb threats and what to do should there be one at your school. Whilst thankfully this time it was a hoax, it serves as a good reminder to schools to know what to do should something like this happen. Above all, if schools are unsure or receive a message like the one earlier this week, they should always contact the police to report what has happened.
Procedures for handling bomb threats (from gov-uk)
Bomb threat response checklist/form (from gov-uk)
Bomb Threat Guidance (Made for schools by NAHT)