In a new partnership with Ajenta, Jisc is planning the next evolution of the Vscene videoconferencing service. Ajenta will manage and run the service to make sure it remains a competitive and innovative service. Over the next 12 months Vscene will be significantly developed to better meet users needs and become a paid for service from 1 March 2018.
Vscene will continue as a free service for schools in the UK due to support from the Department for Education.
From then on, Vscene will no longer be included in the Jisc subscription and a new pricing structure will be put in place for users in higher or further education, research, health and public sectors. Vscene will continue as a free service for schools in the UK due to support from the Department for Education.
What does this mean for your institution?
- The Vscene Support number will change to 0330 020 0404 in the next few weeks. All calls to the old support number will be forwarded to this one. The email address ( won’t change until 1 March 2018.
- Scheduled conferences that you have booked between now and 1 March 2018 will all go ahead as planned.
- Your virtual meeting rooms will still be available until 1 March 2018.
- If required, your virtual rooms and all users will be migrated over to Vscene 2.0 by March 2018
- You don’t need to unsubscribe from the service – a new charged service will be presented as an option from Ajenta.
When will this all happen?
1 March 2017
Ajenta will take over the task of supporting Vscene users
April – June 2017
New features will be added to Vscene
July – September 2017
Ajenta will introduce Vscene 2.0
October – December 2017
Vscene users will be offered discounted access to Vscene 2.0
1 March 2018
Vscene 1.0 (the service you currently have) will be retired
Contact us
If you’d like to chat with someone at Ajenta before 1 March about the future Vscene service and how it might affect you, please don’t hesitate to contact their team anytime on 0131 512 2002 or email them at
More information about the Jisc and Ajenta Partnership for Vscene is available here.