
What’s Inside Your Welcome Pack?

As part of the KCOM renewals and to welcome schools in Derbyshire, Leicestershire, Leicester City and Nottingham City to another three-year term with emPSN, we have carefully put together a Welcome Pack for your school. It will be winging its way to your door, or you may have already received it!!

The Welcome Pack consists of a selection of useful documents, leaflets and booklets to explain who emPSN are and what we do, how your school can access the KCOM portal, the benefits of being part of a Multi-Academy Trust and how emPSN can help your school along with some goodies we think you will enjoy.

If your school has had your new connection installed but you have not yet received your welcome pack, please let the team at the emPSN office know and we shall be happy to send one out to you.

Telephone: 01604 879869
Email: empsn@empsn.org.uk

If you are waiting for your new connection to be installed, don’t worry, your Welcome Pack will be sent to you as soon as you are up and running.

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