In a modern school environment where pupils first languages are numerous and varied, multi-language of the internet is an essential esafety requirement.
Netsweeper are a multi-national Canadian based company providing filtering to over 500,000,000 users around the world with a variety of languages. This means that multi-language filtering is inherent in the Netsweeper product making it not only the only global multi-language filtering platform but also extremely useful for schools.
What does this update in service offering from Netsweeper mean for our schools? Any one of our schools that uses Capita, Kier(Mouchel) or eSafety4schools (formerly Capital Bytes) for their school’s web filtering have access to and benefit from this multi-language filtering service.
To find out more about this service, please download the Netsweeper Multi-Language Filtering Document.
View the service offerings from Capita, Kier and eSafety4schools that are available to schools through emPSN.