Our pricing does not include Smoothwall as this contract sits with Kirklees Council until March 2025.
For Sites who wish to continue to use Smoothwall beyond April 2025 we would recommend that you contract directly with Smoothwall for this service. emPSN already supports and enables seamless running of Smoothwall for a number of customers on our Network but we will not be acting as a reseller for their products.
An alternative option to Smoothwall would be to use the emPSN resilient core firewalls which come at no additional cost. You would however need to purchase additional Web Filtering for which we do have an alternative supplier, Netsweeper who would be able to provide demonstrations of the product. For pricing, please email your number on role plus staff to support@empsn.org.uk
In addition to web filtering, we also offer a monitoring solution through our supplier Netsweeper, onGuard. For additional information please contact us at support@empsn.org.uk
We can demonstrate the web filtering element through our supplier Netsweeper. In regard to the firewall this would be a technical discussion rather than a demonstration.
Since emPNS’s recent move from Cisco to Fortinet Firewall a number of supplementary features have slowly been released with the VPN product due for release in June 2024.
emPSN are able to offer a Monitoring product though our supplier Netsweeper, please advise via support@empsn.org.uk if you require a demonstration.
The Smoothwall monitoring product is an additional add on to the current Kirklees Smoothwall product, emPSN offer our own Monitoring product through Netsweeper.
The Jisc pricing provided includes 4G resilience, the Nasstar pricing provided in our initial communications does not include resiliency.
emPSN are able to provide a number of resilient options through our supplier Nasstar dependant on your location and budget. A list of some of these options:
SoGEA (FTTC equivalent)
Additional Leased Line
Options and pricing can be provided on request to support@empsn.org.uk
Yes, there will be support via our security teams. Additionally, we offer multiple fixed IP’s if multiple applications are required at no additional cost.
emPSN do have a VOIP product offer through our supplier Nasstar. If you require more information regarding this, please contact us as support@empsn.org.uk
The managed firewall is included with the emPSN pricing. Web filtering is at an additional cost. Please see our Kirklees specific brochure for information about what is included on the emPSN Network (link to view/download at the bottom of this page).