
KCOM Video 3

Here at emPSN we have been working with KCOM to create some short videos to help you understand your connection better.

In this video, we talk about the experience you should expect to receive from KCOM and the service levels customers can expect to get from them.

The KCOM Experience

00:23:  Hi and welcome to our final video with KCOM.   Today we will be talking about the experience you should expect to get from KCOM.  Firstly: What service levels can customers expect to get from KCOM?

00:36: Together with emPSN, we aim for – to use the jargon a highly available 99.9% for schools.  In old money what that means is that we aim for the service to be up 365 days a year and for you to lose no more than an hour a year of unforeseen downtime.  Unfortunately, we don’t always meet this and despite technology continually improving its reliability especially in fibre circuits, but when things do go wrong, we will try to get you back up and running later that day, and if that’s not achieved it will be the next working day.  How often do we meet that aspiration? 97% of the time.  Having said all that we do recommend adding a second circuit for resilience so that basic services can run even if the main circuit fails.  This is especially true for secondary and large primary schools where basic services like school meals grind to a halt without an internet connection.

01:35: What makes you different in terms of service and response?

01:40: Our biggest differentiator is probably the dedicated team put into place to specifically support emPSN and their customers.  The purpose of the dedicated team is to ensure that the network is always in tip-top condition and that all incidents are being carefully managed and any problem tends to be spotted early and then fixed.  Prevention is far better than cure.

02:02: How can a school be onboarded onto your service? What visits are required and how long can schools expect to wait until their new service is up and running?

02:12: We try to make it as easy as possible for schools to switch to the emPSN service and where a new circuit is being provisioned, we closely manage our suppliers, so it goes in as smooth as possible.  We also try to keep the impact of the schools to a minimum.  Ideally, it’s a single visit from an engineer to install the circuit then maybe another one to do the switch over, but in a minority of cases delivering new circuits can be a messy business with contractors needing to dig in and around the school but this will be known quite early on in the process and the school is always consulted on whether or not they wish to go ahead or plan for some alternative. How long it takes depends on the technology and the geography, but KCOM will be with you at every stage of the supply and providing experienced engineers to perform the work in a timely manner.  How long does it take? Well it can take anything from say 10 days for a simple copper service to several weeks if many digs are required and road closures happen and the average is about 40 working days.

03:15 That’s great, thank you so very much. That’s it from us, we hope you liked what you saw, and we thank you for watching. If you do have any questions at all, please do reach out where we will be glad to answer any questions you have. Our contact details will follow on the next slide.

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