The security and availability of your network is important to emPSN, through our associations with LGfL we are proud to announce a new partnership with Malwarebytes allowing all our valued customers to deploy industry leading threat detection and remediation for FREE!
So, running the software will keep your systems secure and your network running faster.
With a centralised cloud console, there is no need to visit each PC, and scheduled scans can be done from anywhere. Deployment to your endpoints is quick and management is simple. With a fast-effective scan any threats are found and thoroughly removed. Also included in the console is an inventory of the software and hardware, which gives schools a clear view of their assets and what’s running on them.
The Malwarebytes Incident Response software cleans up malware and other malicious software on devices that may make its way into your school. Normally buying 200 licences on a 3-year subscription would cost close to £4,000 and larger schools will save well over £10,000.
How do I get it?
All emPSN members are eligible for Malwarebytes. To find out more, visit our Malwarebytes webpage.