Our trusted service providers offer a range a filtering options. We give you an overview of the filtering options available and why they are important.
Who offers filtering?
The service providers we work who offer filtering options are:
- Ark – email and web filtering
- Capita – web filtering
- eSafety4schools – email, transparent and web filtering
- F1 Group – email and web filtering
- London Grid for Learning (LGfL) – email filtering
- Netsweeper – email, transparent and web filtering
What is web filtering?
Web filtering is a way of directing users away from specific websites and URLs by preventing their internet browsers from loading certain pages from those websites. They can be tailored in different ways for different organisations, depending on the need of each site. This means added security on the network enabling users to have a clean, safe, internet experience. Web filtering is available from five of emPSN’s on-network partners – Ark, Capita, eSafety4schools, F1 Group and Netsweeper.
What is transparent filtering?
Transparent web filtering allows schools to take web filtering services without inputting proxy details into the end user devices. It can also be seamlessly integrated with your local user directory, allowing staff and pupils to be given the appropriate levels of filtering. Transparent filtering is available from two of emPSN’s on-network partners – eSafety4schools and Netsweeper, and can be used on a wide range of devices. There are no expensive onsite hardware costs. Transparent filtering also allows screening of BYOD services giving safety and security to unmanaged student, staff or visitor web browsing. The service can be shaped to suit your local needs.
What is email filtering?
Email filtering protects schools and organisations against spam and malicious viruses by stopping malicious, email-borne content and spam before it reaches your network. Unwanted email content is stopped in the cloud keeping it away from your network and reducing bandwidth usage. Spam notifications also remove certain letters to avoid sensitive words from being easily read. Email filtering is available from five of emPSN’s on-network partners – Ark, eSafety4schools, F1 Group, London Grid for Learning (LGfL) and Netsweeper.
Got any questions about filtering for your school or organisation? Give us a call to talk through your requirements.