
emPSN Spring Roadshow Events Update

Unfortunately, due to lack of take up from schools, emPSN have had to cancel the Spring events as they were and in the format they were planned in. However, we shall still be running the events as coffee mornings instead.

These will take a more informal approach whereby schools that have registered their interest to come along can still meet with us and discuss their connectivity and application services.

The venues remain the same and we still have a few of our application service providers coming along too:

Tuesday 1st March – Leicestershire – Leicester Mariott Hotel – 9am start
(Capita and eSafety4schools)

Tuesday 8th March – Lincolnshire – Bentley Hotel – 9am start

Tuesday 15th March – Derbyshire – The Hayes Conference Centre – 9am start

If you haven’t yet responded and would like to come along, please RSVP to hwhittington@empsn.org.uk and we shall look forward to seeing you there.


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