
Connectivity vs Application Services

Connectivity vs Application Services

A common misunderstanding that we receive from schools is that the connectivity services and application services are one and the same with embc/emPSN with the same contract dates. This is not the case. They are normally separate contracts even if taken out at the same time, generally October 2012, although many schools have different contract end dates with different providers.


For the majority of schools connectivity is provided by Kcom over the emPSN network ranging from 2Mbps to 250Mpbs depending on location, connection type available and school choice. We have options for using Virgin Media where Virgin cable exists, and wireless for difficult to connect schools in Derbyshire. All embc connectivity options are part of the emPSN regional infrastructure and services.

Application Services

emPSN offer a range of suppliers for email, email filtering, web filtering, web hosting, IDP and other services. Schools can buy an integrated package; connectivity and a fixed set of services or they can choose a pick and mix approach. There is the option of buying connectivity from emPSN suppliers and purchasing some or all of your ISP services from outside the framework or using in house ones. Schools can contract directly with our suppliers or take the embc direct option and buy through embc.

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